
How to Apply Your Emotional Quotient

[ad_1] The wide spectrum of personal interactions we’re faced with in the workplace and at home can foster questions about what it means to live consistently and authentically. Is it insincere and weak—perhaps even two-faced—to modify behaviors according to a situation? Conversely, is it a sign of authenticity and strength to respond in a consistent … Read more

Productivity Hacks: Tools, Techniques & Habits

[ad_1] Life is a never-ending cycle of striving to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time. Perhaps this is the true American dream.  In today’s life-in-the-fast-lane world, we all have relentless to-do lists of professional responsibilities and home chores that demand attention. Unfortunately, we can’t add more hours to the day to complete them, … Read more

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important & How to Improve It

[ad_1] Emotional intelligence is arguably one of the most important tools you’ll need in life. From personal life to workplace performance, it’s key to accelerating success. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage your own emotions and understand those of the people around you. It’s often considered a driving force behind a person’s confidence, … Read more

How to Manage Chronic Complainers

[ad_1] Just about everyone has worked with a Complainer at least once in their career. You know the type—always criticizing upper management, predicting the company is going down the tubes, saying not enough money is spent on advertising, etc., etc.  According to Will Bowen, author of A Complaint Free World, the average person complains between … Read more

Perseverance Quotes for Determination & Endurance

[ad_1] Perseverance is more than just not giving up; it’s the steadfast pursuit of a goal despite challenges, failures and obstacles. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines perseverance as “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition.”  It embodies grit, determination and strength, pushing us to overcome difficulties and emerge even stronger.  Whether you’re … Read more

The 5 Best Podcasts for Personal Growth

[ad_1] Our lives are busy, but even the most harried schedules provide blocks of time for autopilot. Commuting, exercising and doing chores around the house are opportunities to let ideas marinate and the mind wander. Not so coincidentally, these are some of the most popular times that listeners tune in to podcasts, which studies have … Read more

Personal Brand Statement Examples | Success

[ad_1] Introducing yourself professionally doesn’t need to be a mind-numbing task. Stuffy resumes, comprehensive work experience lists and prosaic cover letters are all tools you need to have in your career tool kit. Presenting yourself effectively, however, can also boil down to a succinct and captivating sound bite.  Enter the personal brand statement.  Whether you’re … Read more