
Top YouTuber Motivational Speakers Of India: You Should Know?


Being ambitious in life is the foremost quality of one and all. So if you want to become a motivated person, then check out really ambitious quotes by top motivational speakers of India.

Motivation is an impulse due to which a person acts or behaves in a particular way. Due to this impulsive action whether intrinsic or extrinsic people move towards certain actions and try to achieve their set goals. It creates a feeling of strong will and desires to become more ambitious in life.

Motivation in simple terms is a process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It directs you to reach your potentials and become successful in life. As it is well-known motivation is of two types, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is the type of motivation in which we have desires and ambitions set about ourselves and we are well versed about it. We all have intrinsic motivation in ourselves, but extrinsic motivation is the one in which we are motivated by others.

Many a time we are not clear about our goals and ambitions, so we need someone out to guide us in reaching our aims. And for this extrinsic motivation, we need guidance from highly motivated persons who can show us the right path. The words of wisdom from the motivational speakers make us clear and loud about how to achieve a successful life.

So now let’s have a meet up with the top motivational speakers in India:-

Best Motivational Speakers in India

1. Sandeep Maheshwari

An inspirational entrepreneur & a motivational icon, Sandeep Maheshwari, is a man full of ambitions and the one with a motive to inspire all with his words of wisdom and motivation. He is a man who struggled, failed, and surged ahead in search of success, happiness, and contentment. Facing a lot of ups and downs in life, it was time that introduced him to the true meaning of life.

Sandeep Maheshwari Motivational Speakers

Sandeep Maheshwari was born on 28th September 1980, in Delhi. He is a well-known & successful founder & CEO, of

Today he is a guide, a mentor, a role model, and a youth icon for millions of people all over the world. People adore and follow him because of his great mission to make them believe in themselves and most importantly helping people by a simple rule “Life is Easy“. He motivates and inspires the young youth through his motivational speeches and seminars which he conducts on a regular basis.

He made clear top 10 rules for success.

* Don’t waste time
* Practice makes us perfect
* Keep moving forward
* Adapt to change quickly
* Be happy in all situations
* Honesty is the key to success
* Attitude is everything
* Focus on your strengths
* Believe in yourself
* Never give up

His golden words of motivation are enough to ignite and inspire the entrepreneurial spirit of tomorrow’s leaders and to help them succeed.

The moment you start valuing yourself, the world will start valuing you. – Sandeep Maheshwari

The ability to detach yourself from your thoughts is your ticket to freedom. – Sandeep Maheshwari

Always remember you are much bigger than your problems.– Sandeep Maheshwari

Read More « Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes That Will Upgrade Your Thinking Forever


2. Harrish Sai Raman

Harrish Sai Raman is an internationally renowned spiritual coach, motivational speaker, and hypnotherapist. His unique style of blending high energy sessions with insightful humor infused with deep spiritual meaning makes it an unforgettable experience for all. As a leading Hypnotherapist and Regression therapist, his vast experience in dealing with Life challenges makes his sessions relevant and powerful be it at a level of an individual, corporate teams, entrepreneurs, families, and even a large-scale audience of over 3000 people. 

Born on 7th June 1979, Harrish’s vision in life is to transform the lives of as many people as he can till his last breath! He believes that “the time and energy an individual and team give, is never going to come back into their lives again! Hence, my focus, intent, and energies are towards giving them a worthwhile transformational experience, high-end learning, and help them break barriers and experience Peak Performance in the areas they desire and deserve!”

He lives his passion through his life-transforming sessions, powerful videos, and short movies that he intends to produce, all with an intention of empowering lives. He was awarded the ‘Training Leader of the Year’ and ‘Top 101 Coaches India’ by the World HRD Congress. His recently authored book ‘Triggers and Insights’ has been received with rave reviews and is being touted as a potential life changer! His strength is his genuine love and passion for participants and his work which is easily sensed by people who witness his sessions. His authenticity lies in teaching only what he practices! His sessions guarantee insights, breakthrough experiences, and deeper spiritual lessons all driven with relevant humor engaging the participants from the first minute till the last!

He chooses to remain joyful on his journey of life and time spent with him leaves others with insights, joy, tools, and techniques that can empower and transform! 

Harrish Sai Raman Quotes

“The RACE of LIFE is not about coming first, but it’s about enjoying the RACE, soaking into the experience of possibilities and if you anyways come first doing that, it’s just a reward for enjoying LIFE!!!!!”  – Harrish Sai Raman

We always walk on the bridge that we only have created and engineered! Now complaining that ‘Its shaky’ is ignorance!!”  – Harrish Sai Raman

“Back seat only works if you have a great driver!!! Either hire the right one, or take charge and drive!” – Harrish Sai Raman

Harrish Sai Raman Quotes Images

“True prayer is always about thinking and not asking, as asking is always a reminder of what you don’t have and thanking is always a reminder of what you have!!!”  – Harrish Sai Raman

“We don’t see the world the WAY IT IS, we the world the WAY WE ARE!!!” – Harrish Sai Raman

Harrish Sai Raman Quotes


3. Dr. Vivek Bindra

A thoughtful leader and a motivational speaker who is on a mission to empower people with his motivational talks are Dr. Vivek Bindra. He is a successful leadership trainer cum business coach.

If you are looking forward to realizing your true potential then Dr. Vivek Bindra is a man who will help you in introducing you to the real you. With his spectacular and energetic workshops worldwide he has become a pathfinder and icon among high-profile entrepreneurs and among top business entities.

vivek bindra motivational speaker

He is a founder & CEO of the Global Academy of Consulting & Training. Here he provided CEO Coaching to over top 100 CEOs in the country. Due to his charismatic personality and aura, he has captured lakhs of audience across the world.

Dr. Vivek Bindra has been awarded multiple titles during the course of time from various agencies. He has been awarded “Best Leadership Trainer in Asia” by World HRD Congress & Marshall Goldsmith. He has been also awarded as “The Best Corporate Trainer in India” by Maruti Suzuki and “The Best Motivational Speaker in India” by the International Association of Lion’s Club.

With his electrifying energy levels, he has become a chosen corporate trainer among corporate houses. He has helped many individuals in changing their life into more meaningful ways of living through his motivational books and YouTube Videos.

Some of the famous Quotes by Dr. Vivek Bindra are as follow:

“Nobody has ever created history, in the history for a salary hike” – Dr. Vivek Bindra

Vivek Bindra Quotes on Failures

“Destiny isn’t a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice, It isn’t to be waiting for, it is to be achieved.” – Dr. Vivek Bindra

Read More « Vivek Bindra Quotes That Will Help Bounce Back Your Goals!


4. Gaur Gopal Das

Gaur Gopal Prabhu is a personal coach, monk, lifestyle, and motivational strategist. He is a man who shared deeper spiritual thoughts and insights with the world.

By education, he is an electrical engineer and then a corporate at Hewlett Packard. After then he decided to live life as a monk, he learned the antiquity of ancient philosophy and the modernity of contemporary psychology. Now he has become a life coach to thousands of people.

He has shared his thoughts of wisdom with corporate executives, universities, and charities.

With a million of views and subscribers online on his social media platform, he is currently leading a movement to help others achieve happiness and purpose in their lives. And now he is one of the famous monks at domestic as well as international level.

He holds a title of “The Ideal Young Spiritual Guru” given him by the Indian Student Parliament, MIT Pune.

Gaur Gopal Das motivational speaker

Gaur Gopal Prabhu has written books and famous on social media because of his inspirational videos. A book such as “Life’s Amazing Secrets” is popular among people.

Some of the famous quotes by Gaur Gopal Prabhu are as follow:

“Positive attitude is the key to success in life.” – Gaur Gopal Das

“Happiness seems like a butterfly, Oh so close, but eluding us when we try to grab it.”– Gaur Gopal Das

Read More « Gaur Gopal Das Quotes that will Change Your Mindset


5. Sadhguru

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, popularly known as Sadhguru, was born on 3rd September 1957, in Mysore, Karnataka, India. He is an Indian yogi, mystic, and a famous author.

In 1992 he founded “Isha Foundation” a non-profit organization, and through this, he is offering many social programs around the world. He is constantly focused on education, yoga, and environmental initiatives. He has written more than 100 books which have also appeared in “The New York Times Best Seller List”. He has written books on various topics such as health, religion, spirituality, faith, etc.

Sadhguru motivational speaker

In 2017, Sadhguru was conferred the “Padma Vibhushan Civilian Award” by the Government of India in recognition of his contribution to the field of spiritualism.

Sadhguru is famous because of his spiritual teachings and messages to the world, some of the famous quotes by Sadhguru are as follow:

“Don’t be dead serious about life, it is just a play.” – Sadhguru

“Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other people becomes important” – Sadhguru

Read More « Sadhguru Quotes to Help You Discover Your Inner Power


6. Ujjwal Patni

Ujjwal Patni is a famous international trainer, author, and motivational speaker. Through his motivational videos on life and business, he had inspired and motivated millions of people.

His famous video show “The Ujjwal Patni Show” was released on YouTube, Facebook page, Ujjwal Patni mobile app. He is the only motivational speaker who has led 3 Guinness World Records. At both the domestic and international level, he has been facilitated with more than 15 awards.

Ujjwal Patni

Dr. Ujjwal Patni is a true leader, risk-taker, and dreamer with his life committed to inspiring people and communities to achieve their maximum potentials.

He is a person who has transformed the lives of millions. He has written more than 7 books, 500 plus articles, conducted 2000 plus motivation training programs. His motivational programs are attended by people worldwide who are famous entrepreneurs, business owners, teachers, etc.

He is renowned for his motivational saying and words all over the world.

“A leader goes beyond words & tries to understand the intent. If the intent is right, words don’t matter.” – Dr. Ujjwal Patni

“Invest in your growth, your business and life will grow automatically.” – Dr. Ujjwal Patni


7. Him-eesh Madaan

An international motivational speaker & performance coach who is driven by his passion for training is none other than Him-eesh Madaan. With his passion for training and a spark to motivate all, he has trained more than 100 million individuals.

Him-eesh Madaan is blessed with a penetrative mind and wisdom of thoughts to infuse dynamic energy and motivation into his audience. The way he addresses his audience is unique, powerful, and full of enthusiasm.

He has specialized in areas such as communication skills, employability skills, behavioral skills, team building, leadership skills, and interpersonal skills, etc. At the online platform, he has more than 70 lakhs viewers per month. Moreover, he is a speaker of Rotary, Lions club, and JCI.

Him-eesh is a well known motivational speaker, as well as a renowned writer, poet, and actor. He constantly infuses his audience with influential messages.

“Unleash your true potential” – Him-eesh Madaan

“Be Your Best” – Him-eesh Madaan

Be Your Best By Him eesh Madaan


8. Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is one of the top motivational speakers of India. His efforts are graced by royalties, billionaires, and many celebrity CEOs.

Robin Sharma is a premier speaker on Leadership and Personal Mastery. He holds electrifying energy to bring out useful insights into his audience that directs individuals to do their best. As a motivational speaker, he supports teams in providing fruitful results and organizations to grow.

Robin Sharma Motivational Speakers

Robin Sharma has been ranked with the title of “Top 5 Leadership Experts in the World”. He has written over plenty of books on leadership and motivation such as “The Leader Who Had No Title” which was sold over 15,000,000 copies in 75+ countries. And this book was the #1 Business book on

He has opened a charitable foundation by the name of “The Robin Sharma Foundation for Children”. Through this foundation, he raises funds from around the world and donates them to children’s causes.

Robin Sharma says “The only happiness that lasts is the happiness that comes from giving.”

Know that the thing that is easiest to do is rarely the thing that is best to do. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes

“Don’t worry about getting the credit for getting things done.” – Robin Sharma

“Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your best.” – Robin Sharma

Know More: Robin Sharma | Official Website of the #1 Bestselling Author


9. Yogesh Chabria

One of the worlds’ most respected and sought-after motivational speaker is Yogesh Chabria. He is a famous author, noted entrepreneur, investor and famous founder of “The Happionaire Way”.

Yogesh Chabria is a young inspiring speaker, who is motivating people and training them to unleash their real potentials and achieve their goals. He is one of the Best Motivational Speakers in India.

With his motivational energy, he has touched the lives of millions of people worldwide, including entrepreneurs, corporates, influencers, and professionals. He regularly conducts seminars, events, workshops, and online videos, personal coaching, and mentorship programs for his audiences.

Yogesh Chabria has become one of the most influential voices shaping the lives of others by success and leadership strategies.

“Be so great that you are impossible to ignore.” – Yogesh Chabria Quotes

“Only knowledge is not power, taking actions on knowledge is power.” – Yogesh Chabria

10. Anurag Aggarwal

Born on 6th May 1964, Anurag Aggarwal is a top motivational training expert and speaker for last 16 years.

He has been ranked as the best trainer and motivational speaker by Rotary Club in 2006.

Anurag Aggarwal focused on public speaking and has written a number of articles related to it. He has conducted over 3000 seminars and workshops for individuals as well as business organizations. He catches the eyes and minds of his audience by his charismatic style on a wide range of influential topics associated with public speaking, personality development, marketing skills, time management, presentation skills, etc.

Recently he has been awarded by Sonam Kapoor as the Best Business Coach in India by Global Business Awards 2018.

Some of the famous sayings by Mr. Anurag Aggarwal

“Find a style that works for you.” – Anurag Aggarwal

“On the depth of your desire depends the swiftness of your progress” – Anurag Aggarwal

Know More: Business Training | Public Speaking Course by Anurag Aggarwal


Mohammed Shakeel is one of the motivational speakers of India. He is the youngest speaker and trainer who is helping and supporting in changing the life and thinking of people by his motivational videos.

He is on the verge to promote motivation and positivity among the masses so that they can bring outgrowth in them. He entrusted people to believe in them and do their best. Through his website Cool Mitra, he is on the progress to change the mindset of people towards successful roads.

He is inspiring people by his motivational videos on areas such as self-confidence, interview cracking skills, how to achieve success, and many more. CoolMitra « YouTube Channel 


Born on 11th May 1994, in Delhi, Abhinav Prateek is popularly known as Abby Viral. He is a Famous Indian YouTuber and A Business Tycoon. Because of his motivational talks, he is extremely famous among youth.

Abby Viral is his YouTube channel’s name. Over his social media platform, he is an active profile, where he regularly uploads his motivational videos. And these videos are enjoyed by people all over and the masses are following and subscribing to him. Moreover, among youth, he is a famous motivational rapper. And his raps are really awesome and worth watching.

Read More « Abhinav Prateek @ Abby Viral Quotes to Boost Your Life’s Challenges

Final Words:-

We all are born and entailed with a spark in us but at one point in time, we need someone to bring out that spark in us by giving us extrinsic motivation. Through this extrinsic motivation, we come out as successful individuals and achieve success by realizing our true potentials. This motivation can be achieved easily these days by attending a motivational show or seminar or workshop. You can even read out the stories of top and Best Motivational Speakers in India. The younger generation these days is following and subscribing to social media platforms. So for them, YouTube Motivational Speakers in India is the best platform to gain motivation.

Through Yourself Quotes you can share out and read about the Top Motivational Speakers in India with your friends, family, and loved one and become a self-motivated individual yourself.


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